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Responds: The Power of Emotional & Adversity Quotient for Teachers

Dear Mr. Dani

Asslamu 'alaikum wr. wr.

Salam Kenal, Mas. Saya Sukma, ingin jadi the best teacher. Saya barusan membaca buku Mas, The Power of Emotional & Adversity Quotient for Teachers. I think that book is very encouraging people to do better for their children. It's also inspiring others to think how is doing teaching and learning in a pleasant way, whether sometime we lack of creativities in doing that.

It's true, that you said in the book, that people who want to read this book are persons who care about love. I have an experience on that. When I showed the book who doesn't care about the way his/her teaching, in few minutes the book was back to my desk. Actually I'm happy when my friends enthusiastically want to read that book. It seems that I'm not alone in the school. You know sometime I'm pessimistic in people in formal schools.

The book is also communicative. I felt you are talking to me when I read it. I also like the way you compose the book. The theories and experiences were combined well. If you don't mind, my friend and I will visit you someday. I'm sorry for my bad English writing. See you later.

Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

Best Wishes,
